AvaTrade – review of the forex broker (2022)

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Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing AvaTrade. About AvaTrade AvaTrade is an online broker that most of all specializes in trade instruments in the forex segment, as well as CFDs. Clients can use this provider to trade in a large number of different markets (currencies, commodities, indices, stocks, …

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Nextmarkets broker – Introduction, experience and test (2022)

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Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing Nextmarkets. About Nextmarkets – background information The number of online brokers on the market has been able to register significant growth in recent years. As the offered services and fees are often quite similar, novices, especially, can  frequently have a hard time …

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AGORA direct – Introduction, review and test (2022)

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Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing AGORA direct. About AGORA direct Agora direct is an online broker headquartered in Derby, Great Britain. Agora directTM is part of Agora direct Ltd, which has developed into the provider of exchange trading services we know today by way of various stages. …

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NAGA Markets and NAGA Trader– review and test (2022)

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Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing NAGA Markets. NAGA background information This article is about a fintech company called NAGA Markets, which was established in 2015 and is a brand of the NAGA Group AG. NAGA is a relatively young online broker that enables its clients to participate …

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BANX Broker – review and test (2022)

Banx Broker Logo

Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing BANX Broker. About BANX Broker This article is about BANX Broker, an online broker headquartered in Düsseldorf. BANX is an introducing broker of Interactive Brokers (IB), a US-based company. This means that BANX acts as an intermediary for IB in Germany. Client …

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ViTrade online broker | review & test (2022)

Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing ViTrade. About ViTrade This article’s review is dedicated to the online broker ViTrade. According to the information provided, the company is part of the FinTech Group AG, which also includes the discount broker flatex. And according to their legal notice, ViTrade is …

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GKFX (AKFX) – introduction, experience, test (2022)


Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing GKFX (AKFX). GKFX (AKFX) – who is behind it? This article is about an online broker known under the name of GKFX on the internet. The provider is a brand of a company named AKFX Financial Services Ltd. The online broker’s staff …

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Oanda (2022) – one of the oldest forex brokers introduced


Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing Oanda. Oanda background info Oanda is an internationally engaged online broker that can be numbered amongst the longest-standing providers in the financial market. Besides its current head office in London, the company also maintains a number of branches in the cities of …

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NSBroker – Review and Test (2022)

NSBroker Logo

Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing NSBroker. NSBroker background information This article is about the modern online broker NSBroker, which is run by a company called NSFX Ltd. The finance experts of this company have been active in online trading for over 9 years already and primarily aim …

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Saxo Bank (2022) – test and review of the online broker

Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing the Saxo Bank. What is behind the Saxo Bank? Saxo Bank A/S is a Danish investment bank founded in the year 1992 by Lars Seier Christensen, Kim Fournais and Marc Hauschildt, initially under the name of Midas Fondsmæglerselskab. It was then renamed …

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FXCM – Forex/CFD Broker Review (2022)

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Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing FXCM. What is behind FXCM? FXCM is an online broker that specializes in FX and CFD trading. Or in their own words: „Founded in 1999, the company’s mission is to provide global traders with access to the world’s largest and most liquid …

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Libertex – Review and test (2022)

Libertex Logo

Broker comparison – who is the best? In this article, we are introducing Libertex. About Libertex The online broker Libertex with the company name Indication Investments Ltd has amassed over 20 years of experience in the financial industry by now and currently serves over 2 million clients in more than 110 countries around the world.  …

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